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       Dear Visitors of this Website about anthroposophy!

Nothing is going to be sold here, nothing advised or recommended to do, but rather a realm of your life presented to you, that you probably don’t know yet.

Though we ask for your much valued attention for a short time.

Read the following lines, then pause for a while and ask yourself these questions:

Am I contented with that part of our world, our universe, our fauna, and our flora that I see, feel and experience with my senses every day, or would I rather get to know the interrelation between those worlds and procure knowledge about it?

Or would I like to find out about the human being, how he is created according to his spirit, his soul, how he is accompanied in his life by higher beings and who those beings are, or how can I support my own development as a human being, etc.?

If you don’t want to learn anything about the afterlife, about the formation of our earth and about the human being and his inner development, then you won’t generate any sympathy for this explanation and the time you spend here will be lost.

If you are still interested enough to read on, then there is a grain of discontent with the current knowledge inside you that makes you want to know more about the aforementioned topics.

That is the only request of this homepage, to help all those, who would like to broaden their minds further than to the conventional explanations and who are willing to deal with the various topics of our lives.


At last, I would like to give you a short introduction of myself for you to know who is behind these mediation attempts between the here and now and the explanations of the great anthroposophist Dr. Steiner.

My name is Emil Borovnik, I have been engaged with the subject anthroposophy for several decades and would now like to help those fellow human beings, who are looking for a balance to their professions and tasks of daily life, that shows the way to awareness with sound content aside from all superficiality and paltry explanations to develop a holistic view of the world by their own initiative. 

You’ll find a short introduction of that Great Spirit that brought the anthroposophy to life on the next page.
For the present I am thanking you for your visit and hope that you will decide to choose the way that answers many questions about the human existence.